Safeguarding Policy

Protecting and safeguarding all those who come into contact with us through our work (including children, young people and adults at risk) from abuse and mistreatment of any kind is a priority for Buttle UK and its Trustees.

Protecting and safeguarding all those who come into contact with us through our work (including children, young people and adults at risk) from abuse and mistreatment of any kind is a priority for Buttle UK and its Trustees. This includes:

  • children, young people and adults who benefit from our work
  • employees
  • volunteers (including Trustees) and
  • other people who come into contact with us through our work

Buttle UK’s Trustees wish to promote a fair, open and positive culture and ensure all involved feel able to report concerns, confident that they will be heard and responded to.

This policy, and associated procedures, upholds Buttle UK’s duties and reinforces our values and responsibilities in ensuring we provide a safe and responsive environment which safeguards children and adults at risk. Whilst this policy is largely informed by English legislation and guidance, our Code of Conduct for employees and volunteers in Appendix A demonstrates compliance with UK legislation and other four nations’ policy guidance, research and good practice. This policy applies to all employees and volunteers, including the Board of Trustees, agency employees, students, or anyone working on behalf of Buttle UK.

If you want to report a safeguarding concern about a Buttle UK member of staff,  trustee or activity please email