Turning Points Report

Turning Points is an economic impact assessment that demonstrates the rationale behind Buttle UK’s Chances for Children appeal, which aims to raise £10 million over the next five years with the longer term aim to raise £20 million, to fund an increase in the number and size of Buttle UK’s grants. The study assesses the impact this increased grant giving programme will have on three of society’s most vulnerable groups.

Key findings of the assessment were as follows:

  • Our economic impact assessment has found a benefit-to-cost ratio of approximately 6:1 – meaning for every £1 spent on these grants, over £6 of public expenditure savings and additional public revenues could be achieved.
  • The analysis shows that a single £1,500 grant to a struggling family could make an average public expenditure saving of £8,923 over 15 years.
  • The aim of the Chances for Children appeal is to raise £20 million. Turning Points predicts this would create savings of £110 million over 15 years on education, health, policing and social welfare spending.
  • In addition, it estimates £22 million generated in PAYE, National Insurance and indirect taxes on employee expenditure resulting from Buttle UK beneficiaries entering or returning to the workplace. This amounts to a total benefit to the State of up to £133 million over a 15 year period.
  • The three groups studied could be better off themselves by £37 million over the course of 15 years.

At a 6:1 ratio of benefit to cost, over a 15 year period the programme could save a crucial £110.9 million on education, health, policing, social welfare and other areas of public spending, and add £22.4 million to the exchequer via tax revenues.

Turning Points shows that Buttle UK’s £20 million Chances for Children appeal could deliver a step change in the support the charity currently delivers, generating significant economic benefits for the individual beneficiaries, as well as the State.