Impact Report 2022-23

As the cost of living crisis continues, families need our support now more than ever. From choosing between heating and eating, even children going to school being seen as a luxury, this year's report continues to show the imperative work we do and the real changes our grants make.

In this financial year, Buttle UK has made 2,314 grants to 4,378 children and young people, including 112 boarders, to the value of £3,974,120.

As these numbers continue to increase year on year, in this Impact Report, we reflect on the who, what, where and why are we making grants? Secondly, we reflect on the impact of these grants against our Theory of Change. This report explores both aspects, as well as presenting work on the change and challenges we have seen this year.

The feedback in this report, as always, comes straight from the families and young people we support and offers a real view on the lived experiences of those people. We are always so grateful thankful to the families and frontline workers, who complete our surveys and give us a real insight into the lives they lead and the crisis they are working to move on from, as well as the importance of our grants.

Our Impact Report 2022-2023 shows just how vital our grants are.